Due Date: Friday Feb 3, 2023 1:00 PM. This homework aims at giving you some experience on how to create Git branches, develop your project on multiple branches, merge them, resolve potential conflicts between different branches upon merging, and finally how to delete them. It also gives you some experience with using other commonly-used Git commands.

Use the Markdown language to design a Github-interpretable README file for each of folders in your project for this course, and a Github web-page for your project. If you need help with Markdown, refer to the HW question below and our lecture notes for cheat-sheets.

Write your code sections of your answer in Markdown syntax. For example,
$ git branch -d test
error: Cannot delete branch 'test' checked out at 'C:/Users/Fatemeh/git/foo'

will display the following text highlighted as bash code, in your readme.md file (albeit, with different style and color).

$ git branch -d test
error: Cannot delete branch 'test' checked out at 'C:/Users/Fatemeh/git/foo'
  1. Version-control using Git and GitHub.
