
Official information and details of Data Science with Python (Fall 2019) can be found in the course’s syllabus (PDF).

Textbook and Lecture Notes

No specific textbook is required for this course. However, throughout the course, we will closely follow the material posted in the following pages,

About DSP2023S

DATA 3401: Data Science with Python (DSP) is a 3-hours credit course offered as part of the undergraduate coursework in the Data Science program of the College of Science at The University of Texas at Arlington.

The course covers topics in Basic computer programming concepts as well as Data Science topics. Programming in Python is emphasized, but more advanced languages such as C/C++/Fortran may be also used and discussed as needed.

About the Instructor: Fatemeh Bagheri

Dr. Fatemeh Bagheri is a physicist by training and science-lover in general, with extensive teaching & research experience and background in theoretics physics, cosmology, exoplanets and space phyics. She can be reached via her email at

Instructor: Fatemeh Bagheri
Instructor: Fatemeh Bagheri

About DSP Students

As of Wednesday, 05 Apr 2023 at 11:54 AM, there are 34 students enrolled in this course. Below is the latest photo of students.

The class participants